Since I finished my Master Illustration, I am able to surrender myself completely to my paintings. I’m no longer doing it for someone else, but it turned out to be something I need and want for myself. The process. The quest for colours, atmosphere, and so much more.

I realised Art is more than pleasure and fun, it is a way of healing. 


Painting and creativity give me the Mental peace and joy. Yoga extends those two physically and emotionally.
Practicing yoga makes my mind and body stronger and more conscious. It changes the way I breath, it gives me more faith in life and whatever life brings me. 



I love adrenaline. 
Being on the bike makes me feel energetic and alive.  The bike learns me to concentrate, and to estimate my skills.
Same as yoga, it learns me to listen to my body, how far I can push it, or where I have to stop. Also the fact that biking includes mountains and beautiful sceneries makes it only better for me.